Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy Birthday, America!

This 4th of July, I'm most grateful for our freedom to worship God in public. I love it that I can blast worship music from my car stereo and sing out loud. I'm glad that we can meet together at church and openly proclaim that Jesus is Lord. It thrills my heart that we can rent a HUGE tent and put it outside of our church to host crafts for VBS. I'm grateful for a paycheck for "working" serving God.

Whenever I'm at the airport and every other person I pass is in fatigues, it hits home how grateful I am to the men & women who serve the United States in the military - guaranteeing my freedom. Especially my freedom to worship the God who sent his Son to die... for me. Wow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Fourth to you too. Let's get together this week. Call me, I have time!