I've been thinking a lot about this lately. At one point since I've had babies, I had lost 40 pounds. Unfortunately, I've gained it all back. I am not and have never been what you could refer to as "thin". Due to genetics and a sugar addiction, I've always been average or above average on the scale. I am okay with that & don't even care what the scale says when I am in shape. Lately, I feel way above average for me and the scale certainly does not deny that fact. I understand that I'll never be "thin", but I at least want to be in the normal range for my body type and genetics. I believe that I know what that feels like (it was feeling pretty good 40 pounds ago)... and that's not where I am right now. So, I'm festering about it. Unfortunately, when I fester about something it makes me want to eat more sugar. Bad idea! So... I'm working up some resolve right now. I've spoken to a dear friend about accountability, but no firm decisions have been made yet. I'll let you know how it turns out. Pray for me, if you think about it. This is definitely one of those things in life that cause me to fully rely on God - my strength alone doesn't do the trick!

So understand. Never lost 40 pounds but I dream about it. Ha! Let me know how to pray.
Praying for you... I know it's hard.
Amy - I'm there with you!
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