Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The true E "Elfy" Hollywood story...

The truth is that Elfy is not a bad dog.

I've been having a little fun keeping score, but overall, she's a pretty good dog. She is a good companion and playmate for the boys - she just gets bored easily and is somewhat co-dependent. She's not satisfied sitting next to you on the couch, she needs to sit on you. She has been perfectly potty trained, until it rained all day. Most of her "problems" could be overcome with some dedicated training or simple solutions (covered dog run).

Overall, she has calmed down considerably since she arrived at our house (although part of that is due to us backing down on the "no couch rule"). It has been a great experience for us to do a trial run at doggie parenting. Tommie is convinced that he does not want a dog now (and possibly ever!) - too much work. I still am convinced that a puppy would be much more fun and we would grow to love it long before it exhibits dog-like bad behavior!

Once Elfy goes home on Thursday, we'll have to hash out the reasons why we do or do not want a dog and try to make a decision that will keep everyone happy. We've had two other friends offer their dogs for "trials"... so maybe we'll just start a dog-sitting business and have temporary pets instead! (*just kidding*) Elfy has taught us many things about the life of dogs and we are grateful for that knowledge... but we are still counting down the days until she goes home!!


Jenny said...

Yes, the rain is no fun... especially for a dog that loves to play outside. This has been a real learning experience for all of you.
I'll call you when I get back in town. :-)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

You might need to get a really mellow, small dog. A Bichon is a great choice for that.