Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tagged again!

My friend Amanda tagged me with a Book meme: Here's how she explains the rules: "Look up from the computer, look around the room where you're sitting and pick up the closest book. And closest really means closest. No cheating by running upstairs to unearth your pink-highlighted college copy of The Critique of Pure Reason or the Prolegomena. Open the book, turn to page 123, count down to the fifth sentence on that page, and then post the next three sentences."

Well, it was a toss up between my insurance manual (which is technically more of a folder) and this:

The Children's Dinosaur Encyclopedia

After I took the 250 piece jigsaw puzzle off of the cover (which is why it was so close on my desk), I opened it and discovered that there are only 95 pages...

The 2nd closest book (with over 123 pages) is: Trading Paint: Dale Earnhardt vs. Jeff Gordon (I guess I sit too close to the children's books - the mom & dad books are across the room). Page 123 is a photo only - no text. It's a pretty picture and you know, pictures paint a thousand words.

Okay, so I looked over to my right and saw some other books within reach - computer manuals. The closest one is: How to Program C. Page 123 reads:

"Figure 4.15 shows the precedence and associativity of the various C operators introduced to this point. The operators are shown from top to bottom in decreasing order of precendence. 4.11 Confusing Equality (==) and Assignment (=) Operators There is one type of error that C programmers, no matter how experienced, tend to make so frequently that we felt it was worth a separate section."

Oh my... I think I'm asleep after only 3 sentences.

I tag: Michelle, Julie, and Elizabeth.


The Dogs said...

From John Grisham's book, "The Summons"
"Andof course you were in the middle of it."
"Of course. Judge treated her right." Chomp, chomp.


Amanda said...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. My brain hurts. Hey, thanks for all the fun last night. I'm inviting myself over again soon, when you least expect me.

In His Grip said...

Remember, I don't enjoy reading. So, I am not going to even look for a book. Glad you enjoyed pg. 123 of yours.

Unknown said...

That is so fun! What a cool meme.