We had so much fun preparing for the party! We just had our fence replaced, so the back yard was the perfect location for a camping party. We set up the small tent as a decoration, borrowed a patio fire pit from a friend, ordered a camping cake, bought supplies, blew up balloons, raked the yard, trimmed the bushes, etc. etc. etc. The yard was ready, the party was ready... bring on the kids! Four of Harrison's friends came to the party (which made 7 little boys, including my 3... plenty of little boys!!!). First, we tie dyed t-shirts in orange, green & yellow. Then, we ate grilled hot dogs, cheetos & fruit.
Meanwhile, the boys spent a large amount of time running around the yard & tearing down/popping balloons. We moved on to cake & ice cream and presents as the party wound down. We skipped the s'mores because we figured that if we gave them any more sugar, their parents would not allow them to return to our home again!! It has been such a long time since we've had a party - everyone had so much fun! We were dog tired at the end of the night and grateful that we are only hosting one party per year!
Harrison - I'm so glad that God brought you into our lives 7 years ago. I had so much fun looking at your baby book with you today. It reminded me of all of the memories I have of you & your life so far. Your sparkly eyes (aka. that feisty twinkle) and great sense of humor have always been my favorite traits. You are so dear to me & a blessing to our family. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for the next 7 years of your life. I love you with all of my heart. - Mommy
A walk down memory lane...
Happy Birthday Harrison. He looks the same as his baby picture.
Happy birthday, Harrison!
Sam had such a great time at Harrison's party. Thanks for inviting him.
Love those baby pictures of your boy. I'm with Michelle, he hasn't changed much! What a cutie!
What a sweetie!! Amy, to me he resembles Owen! He just looks like the sweetest little boy. . . Happy Birthday to him and to you, too. I know it's always so bittersweet.
Happy Birthday, Harrison! What a great party ... looks like a lot of fun!
Great idea for a party theme!
I liked seeing the stages of his 7 years through pictures.
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