Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Japanese Friend - update...

My Japanese friend, Sayako, gave me her e-mail address, so we have been communicating via e-mail. She writes to me in basic English and I write to her in English, with the Japanese translation. It is difficult for me to speak or write English without using idioms, slang or quotes from famous movies! (ie. "You can't handle the truth!" or "Fish are friends, not food.") ha, ha I feel like I'm being condescending, because I'm trying to write such basic English so that it will not translate into "Your chicken is eating my roof." or some other nonsense!

This Friday morning, Sayako is coming over to my house to have coffee. I'm excited and nervous. Will we have to keep the Yahoo Babelfish translator handy? Will there be an excessive amount of smiling and nodding without much real conversation? She asked if she can bring a friend. Yes! Hopefully, between the three of us - we can figure out how to communicate. Please pray for us!

1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I love that you invited her over. Probably having her other friend there will make it easier. I'll pray for you.