Saturday, August 15, 2009

My son: Future Chemist

Franklin, age 9, enjoys trying to figure out what he will be when he grows up. For a couple of years now, he has excelled at science & math in particular. He has discussed being an inventor or a scientist. Last spring, he bought an electronic lab (remember those?) at a garage sale and decided to be an electrical engineer. Lately, he's decided he will be a chemist. We went to the library and he found books with science experiments and chemical concoctions in them.
On Friday, he did not have homework, so he decided to do his own homework - a science experiment. His first home experiment was a great success! The Do-It-Yourself Balloon. The combination of baking soda and vinegar causes a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide - thus blowing up the balloon by itself. Whatever Franklin becomes, I know he will do it to the best of his ability. He is very intelligent and driven, along with a good dose of stubbornness. I would imagine that all of those traits will come in handy for his future career!
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1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

It'll be neat to see what he ends up being when he's grown!