Thursday, February 26, 2009

Conversations with Truman

One of my favorite things in the world is to have a conversation with a 3-5 year old. They say the funniest things... When I saw this meme on my cousin's FB page, I had to do it! So... here are the results of Truman & I's conversation this morning...

Kid Questionnaire/Meme:

Ask your child each of these questions & record their answers...
  1. What is something mom always says to you? – "Do your chores."

  2. What makes mom happy? – “If we be good."

  3. What makes mom sad? – “If we be bad."

  4. How does your mom make you laugh? –"tickling us"

  5. What was your mom like as a child? - “Nice"

  6. How old is your mom? - "62"

  7. How tall is your mom? - "I do not know"

  8. What is her favorite thing to do? - "Work"

  9. What does your mom do when you're not around? - "Work or take a nap or something"

  10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? - "No idea"

  11. What is your mom really good at? - "Games"

  12. What is your mom not very good at? – ...long pause... “I don’t know. Because you never did anything with us that was hard. I think you are good at everything.”

  13. What does your mom do for her job? - "hmmm... work on the computer. Actually, no. You write on papers and write stuff. Words."

  14. What is your mom's favorite food? - "calzones"

  15. What makes you proud of your mom? - "When you win a game, like Wii Fit."

  16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? - "Cartoon Mommy”

  17. What do you and your mom do together? - "play games"

  18. How are you and your mom the same? – “There’s nothing we’re the same with. You love kissy lips and I don’t.”

  19. How are you and your mom different? - "You have long hair and I don’t and you have different eyeballs."

  20. How do you know your mom loves you? - "Cause I was your baby and I was cute and you love me.”

  21. What does your mom like most about your dad? - "Him. I don’t know.”

  22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? - "To fun places."


Puddles of Grace said...

Amy... that's awesome... I am going to have to ask my kids the same question... yikes... wonder what their answers would be!!!!

Julie said...

that is so funny!
I love your age. :)
That was actually close to my WiiFit age. HA!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

That's so cute!